Like punk rock Peter Pan and bass-wielding Tinker Bell, Nashville folk rock duo Sally & George have always resisted society’s push to “grow up,” and together cultivated a life of movement, freedom, adventure, and artistic independence. As married musicians, they found in each other what previous bands failed to provide, a musical home with no boundaries, and their new album “Take You On A Ride” shows their ability to grow and change together.

On their sophomore release, the effervescent pair journeys through treacherous landscapes of pain and love. The sonically intrepid collection tackles vicious political terrain with howling 60’s electric guitar tones, a changing climate with Caribbean-inspired upright bass, racial violence in a hypnotic prayer, addiction with a swampy backbeat, heartbreak and loss through soulful ballads, and ultimately returns to their ocean of love. While their focus may have shifted, taking on darker, more outward facing subject matter, their sound remains centered on synergistic vocal harmonies and instrumental interplay.

Upright bassist Shelby Means, originally from Wyoming and former member of GRAMMY nominated bluegrass band Della Mae, and guitarist Joel Timmons of Charleston, SC roots rock band Sol Driven Train first crossed paths at a festival on the Tennessee and Virginia border called Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion. A chance encounter at the merchandise table led to a long-distance romance, the discovery of a musical chemistry, and the formation of Sally & George (named after Shelby’s dapper grandparents). In 2017 they got married in a Wyoming state park, toured the US and Australia, and released their debut album.