For Our Lil Skunks
We are very proud of the programming we provide for children — from great children’s concerts to crafts to all-ages yoga.
All around the SkunkFarm there are lots of fun things for the kids, including tree swings, The Jolley Skunk Wilderness Kingdom Playground, The newly repainted SkunkArt Bus and nature trails! We also have The Skunk View Drive-In Movie in the evenings. Bring your kid’s wagon or kiddie car for them to watch outdoor movies in KiddieLand.
Parents – make sure to keep an eye on the kids — a small fish pond is located on the property. (There may be some large fish in there too!) We’ve experienced some property damage from unsupervised kids in the past, so please keep up with them. Also, while we have children’s activities that provide great entertainment for them, please note that we are not babysitters.